
12 posts

Board of director at board table in silhouette

2025 Annual Meeting

Mark your calendar to attend our 56th Annual Meeting 6:30 p.m. on Tuesday, February 18, 2025 North Sanpete Middle School in Moroni We'll have prizes, a raffle, refreshments and speakers. Board of Director Nominations There is one position open on the Board of Directors. If you're interested and qualified to [...]

Donald Watson to Retire

Congratulations Donald Watson Come and help us congratulate Donald on his retirement and the beginning of his new and more leisurely life. Retirement Plans Letter from Donald Watson, CEO After 40 years serving within the Credit Union, Donald B. Watson will retire at the end of December, 2022. I have [...]
red lock and circuit board

Phishing Warning

Phishing Scams More and more scams! Utah Heritage Credit Union and the entire banking community are seeing more and more aggressive attempts to access member account information through scams and phishing. Please make sure that you, your family and your friends are aware of these attempts. Scrutinize any attempt to [...]
Utah Heritage CU logo sponsoring Free WiFI Summer

Free Wi-Fi Summer

Free Wi-Fi at Several Locations Utah Heritage Credit Union is happy to help sponsor Free WiFi Summer. Free Summer Movies at Manti City Park Make sure you put all the free movies on your calendar this summer. See you there.
Mobile phone graphic with multiple users

Virtual Branch

Login Directly to Virtual Branch here Thank You!! Thank you for your patience with the "Virtual Branch" conversion. We think you'll grow to love some of the new online banking enhancements. Here are some new features to try out: cross account transfer facial recognition login on the mobile app e-statements [...]
DRCU VISA and lots of fund gadgets to buy.

Shop Early for the Holidays

Holiday Shortages We're hearing that there may be more fallout from Covid-19 this holiday season. Apparently, there are numerous companies understaffed resulting in difficulties getting products produced and shipped on time this Holiday Season. (There are numerous articles about the "supply chain" problem. Here's just one on CNN Business ​The [...]
Man and woman using a smart phone and credit cards

Online Banking Enhanced

New Mobile App on June 10th Utah Heritage Credit Union will be launching a new and enhanced version of our Online Banking Service as well as a new Mobile App on June 10, 2021. The new service will offer many new benefits and features including a streamlined interface, more time [...]
Desk Calendar showing February 11th.

2021 Annual Meeting

No In-Person Meeting this Year Because of COVID-19 restrictions no in person meeting for members will be held this year. Any items that you would like addressed, please contact a member of the Board, Supervisory or Management. Board, Supervisory and Management will take care of regulatory requirement for the Annual […]

Summer Giveaway

Thank you to all our members who got a big discount on their summer Auto and RV loans. And congratulations to the winners of our giveaways. Prizes included a Camp Chef Smoker, Lifetime Picnic Table, Lifetime Coolers and Picnic Gift Cards
Man doing his online banking on a laptop while daughter plays with his face.

Covid-19 Update

May 27, 2020 UPDATE Monday, August 17, 2020 - All Offices are Now Open! Reminders for Keeping our Staff and Members Safe Please continue to utilize the drive-up and online services if you can. If you do come inside the branch lobby, we ask for your patience as we work [...]